Fariin Caafimaad oo ku Saabsan COVID19. Guriga Joog Bad -Baadi Naftaada iyo Ehelkaaga
Health information to stop the spread of coronavirus; Stay home Save live.
Waddanku Aad Ayuu Ugu Nugul Yahay Saameynta Isbeddelka Cimilada. Wax Badan Ka Ogow
The Country Is Highly Vulnerable To The Current And Future Impacts Of Climate Change .
Ma ogtahay in dhirta iyo noocyada xayawaanku ay aasaas u yihiin deegaanka dabiiciga ah?
Did you know that plant and animal species are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem?
About Us
We are an environmental non-government organisation (NGO) working on a variety of issues such as; Environmental and Wildlife conservation, Climate change campaigning and lobbing as well as enhancing nomads lifestyle for getting access to safe drinking water.
Waxaan ka shaqaynaa dhinacyo badan sida; Ilaalinta Deegaanka iyo Duurjoogta, U-ololaynta isbadalka cimilada iyo sidoo kale kor uqaadista Hab – nololeedka reer guuraaga si ay u helaan biyo nadiif ah oo la cabi karo.
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- 0+Volunteers
What we do
Waxa aan qabano
Environment and Wildlife Conservation (Ilaalinta Deeganka iyo Duurjoogta)
To support efforts to assess the climate science and provide assistance to reduce emissions and to build climate resilience. (U-ololeynta Isbadalka Cimilada)
To enhance the nomadic lifestyle (Kor uqaadidda nolosha reer guuraaga)
To ensure access to safe water sources and sanitation for all. (Helista Biyo Nadiifa oo Faayodhowrkoodu sareeyo)
Read our latest news
Akhriso wararkeeni ugu danbeeyay
COVID-19: Four Sustainable Development Goals That Help Future-Proof Global Recovery
Climate Chanage, Environment, Water
Upcoming Event
Where your money goes
Sida aan u qorshayno lacagaha aan helno
Environmental Wildlife conservation
Ilaalinta Deeganka iyo Duurjoogta
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Biyaha, Fayadhowrka iyo Nadaafadda
Awareness raising campaign on climate change
Ololaha kor u qaadista wacyiga ee ku saabsan isbeddelka cimilada
Enhancing the nomadic lifestyle
Kor uqaadista hab nololeedka reer guuraaga
Volunteer with SEN
Our work is supported by:
Waxaa caawinaad iyo wada shaqayn ka helnaa hayadaha dowliga ah iyo kuwa aan duwliga ahayn: